Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana III)

Warrior III Pose Virabhadrasana III Warrior III Pose is a dynamic balancing Yoga posture that improves balance throughout the entire body by working all the muscles throughout the arms, abdominal area, and legs. Warrior III improves posture, and full-body coordination by the way it toughens the entire back muscles, including the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, and […]

Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Tree Pose Vrksasana The Tree Pose is considered to be the first standing balance pose taught to yoga beginners since it is the simplest pose. This is good for strengthening your core and legs as you open your hips and then stretch your groin muscles and inner thighs.

Supported Shoulderstand Pose (Salamba Sarvangasana)

Supported Shoulderstand Pose Salamba Sarvangasana Supported Shoulderstand Pose greatly stretches your neck and shoulders which results to sending more blood to your brain. This pose helps in reducing fatigue and can be calming. It is noteworthy to remember that there are serious risks associated in this pose; thus, a proper, correct, and safe set-up should be […]

Supported Headstand Pose (Salamba Sirsasana)

Supported Headstand Pose Salamba Sirsasana Supported Headstand Pose needs a solid upper body strength, a flexible spine and shoulders, and long hamstrings when performed. This is good in developing core strength and challenging your whole body which will then result to an improved balance.

Side-Reclining Leg Lift (Anantasana)

Side-Reclining Leg Lift Anantasana Side-Reclining Leg Lift Pose works best for stretching the sides of your torso and the back of your legs, as well as toning your belly. This yoga pose can also provide benefits for your muscles such as your hamstrings, core, quadriceps, hips, and pelvic.

Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana)

Side Plank Pose Vasisthasana Side Plank Pose is good for strengthening your abdomen, arms and legs, and promoting mental balance and focus. This pose is oftentimes considered as one of the best poses when it comes to strengthening abdominal muscles which is good for protecting your spine and improving posture. This is also used to […]

Lord of the Dance Pose (Natarajasana)

Lord of the Dance Pose Natarajasana Lord of the Dance Pose is also known as Dancing Shiva pose. In Yoga poses with backbend sequences, the Lord of the Dance Pose would usually come near the end, and you may follow it with Standing Half Forward Bend as a counter pose. Lord of the Dance Pose […]

Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana)

Handstand Adho Mukha Vrksasana Handstand is an advance Yoga pose that requires a lot of strength from your arms and core. The pose generally builds strength in your shoulders, arms, and wrists. By being inverted, Handstand surges blood to your head, which can both be energizing and peaceful for the mind at the same time.

Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

Half Moon Pose Ardha Chandrasana Half Moon Pose enhances your leg and ankle’s strength and mobility. This intermediate pose is also ideal to improve your balance and work your abdominal muscles and hamstrings. More notable benefits from this Yoga pose are relief from stress and better digestion.

Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana)

Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose Utthita Hasta Padangustasana Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose is a classic balance pose, having one leg raised at hip level or higher by holding the big toe with your hand. It works from the mobility of the hip joint to the bottom of the spine, and the flexibility of the hamstring muscles to hold […]